If you work for a marketing agency, the odds are you'll usually be working with a client. Depending on how popular your agency is, finding big-name clients can be a difficult task. Clients often want things done to their exact specifications, and this is can often times be extremely frustrating. On many occasions, you will require necessary information about the client's product and their desires that they refuse to give you because they are not being specific enough.
Working on this mock project for the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, I have run into this problem withing with our other class "client." When designing our creative brief for the client, there have been more than a few occasions where we need to know the client's exact thoughts on a matter and their distinct objectives regarding what they want this new campaign to focus on. Every time we have questioned them about their wants and needs, the client has avoided giving us a set answer, which is extremely frustrating.
However, this happens all the time in the real world, so it is important to remain calm and not lash out on the client. In many occasions, the client has invested a lot of time, money and resources on this campaign, so it is important that you take their best interest into account as best as possible in order to provide them with positive results.
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